Thursday, August 23, 2012

IJSBA Jettribe Lake Perris Season Finals

With an unprecedented 130 pre-registered riders signed up for this weekends IJSBA Jettribe Lake Perris Season Finals we are looking forward to a great event. The trailers are packed and the watercraft are ready to hit the lake and once again the Jettribe Crew and RPM Racing are honored and thankful for this unrivaled turn out!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't forget - If you live in the North Carolina Area we will be out at the First Annual Dam 2 Dam Run this Saturday at Lake Norman. Stop by our trailer to pick up some great deals!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Calling All Fans

Hey Fans don't forget the Jettribe Lake Perris Jet Ski Finals are right around the corner. Come on out to Sail Cove at Lake Perris Recreation Park on August 25th and see racing at it's finest along with vendors such as Langston Motorsports displaying the latest and greatest watercraft equipment, food vendors and more! This is a great day to bring the family out to watch one of the most exciting races on the circuit. Once in the park admission to the races is free as well as walking the pits and meeting the racers.

Jettribe West Coast National PWC Tour Finals

Hey Racers Jettribe Lake Perris Jet Ski Finals on August 25th is the last chance to get qualifying points for the Lake Havasu Finals being held September 28 - October 7. Don't forget to register at

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thank you from Jettribe!

Flashback to 2009 Parker, AZ during a local West Coast jetski race. A small company named Jettribe decided to take their product on tour. They loaded up their 20 foot trailer with t-shirts, boardshorts, goggles and some tour coats, found their spot at the event, put up their little 10x20 tent and.....crickets. Jettribe? Who are these guys?

Fast forward a mere 2 years later at the 2011 IJSBA World Finals at Lake Havasu. Jettribe rolled in on their 36 foot stacker trailer and 100 foot tent, with all the latest and greatest for PWC racing, like the new RS-16 Race Vest with Back Protector, the new watercraft specific Carbon 7 Race Helmet, and the already favorite Moto Tour Jackets and Race Pants. Not only was Jettribe a visible powerhouse anchoring Vendor Alley, but more than half the racers were sporting Jettribe gear. What a difference 2 years makes.

Jettribe was established in 1996, but it wasn't until 2009 when Jettribe decided to go back to its racing roots and take it on the road. Sales from the very first tour stop didn't even cover the gas it cost to get there, but it wasn't about the money. Jettribe has always been and always will be about the sport. It's reflected in the quality and functionality of gear that we put out there for the PWC enthusiast. We must be doing something right because 2011 was the biggest growth in sales from any previous year for Jettribe.

While Jettribe is enjoying much success, we're not about to blow it all on the bling. No new whips with spinners for us. No baller vacations just yet. And no loitering in the VIP of the LA club scene. Instead, Jettribe is putting that money right back into what we do best. How about more product to meet demand? 2012 is already looking like it's going to blow the doors off 2011. How about putting that back into racing with an IJSBA sanctioned West Coast tour? How about ditching our warehouse of 15 years and purchasing a 5 acre piece of America (SoCal no less) so we can build a bigger warehouse for starters on the future Jettribe Campus?

So from all of us at Jettribe, we'd love to thank all our buyers and distributors domestic and overseas for bringing Jettribe to all parts of the world, and to all you riders and fans who put the demand out there for them. Jettribe wouldn't be where we are today without all of you. So keep on riding, and we'll keep doing what we do best for you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 Thailand King's Cup Recap by Tony Vo

By Jettribe's Tony Vo.

As the Jettribe Team USA and support staff lands in Bangkok Thailand from all corners of the world , Maryland , Florida, Pennsylvania, Florida , California, and Vietnam. The logistics was crazy flying and meeting in one place a total of 17 members! We all landed in Sunday and some on Monday, the first day the team members has some R & R in Bangkok and site seeing.

Then all caravan down to the race site Pataya! Then the real works begins, prepping the skis and practice and tuning the skis for the big race weekend!

The Jettribe huge clan split up into two pods. The Race Team headed by Louis Malone and the Jettribe Booth headed by Doan N. The Race Team got to their skis and found the USA pit and got to work like a well oiled machine. For the 2011 King's Cup Jettribe has stepped up our game and had shipped an entire Jettribe booth , complete with all of the retails fixtures, tables , chairs, and a bunch of 2012 Jettribe gear headed for a one way trip to Thailand! It was a big gamble but it worked out well, our Jettribe 2012 gear was a huge hit and we were nearly sold out! This year the Jettribe line took the foreigners by a storm and words cannot describe! Nearly half of the riders were sporting our Jettribe Ride gear!

Sales were phenomenal! But the greatest thing was that Tony Vo from Jettribe was able to establish new relationship and reinforce the existing ones! We are able to spend some quality time with Scott from Hot Products USA and Ted of Hot Products of Japan and reflect on the PWC industry. Plus, Scott Fraizer time spent with Scott Fraizer was priceless. Our Korean distributor flew in to hang out with Jettribe to sign a huge exclusive Jettribe licensing agreement. Plus, Jettribe is one step closer on establishing Jettribe of China and Russia! We are extremely grateful for our growth!

Jettribe is so proud of our Team riders on and off the water. They represent the United States of America in the most honorable and respectful way possible. Plus, after a long day on the water the team was able to participate in the first ever fashion show hosted by Jettribe at the King's Cup in Thailand! The Jettribe Fashion was complimented by a herd of local Thai hotties. Many thanks to Nok S. for announcing the show in Thai!

Jettribe was able to personal meet the Prime Minister and present him with our Jettribe Team helmet. Plus, the Jettribe mini team vest was awarded to the key members who made this awesome event happened.

Before we all realized it the week was nearly to an end, the final awards night was upon the Team USA / Jettribe and we dress in our best Jettribe Pit shirts and supported our team members at the awards night Rick Sherker in Pro Stand Up open place 2nd. taking time $11,000 and Sam Chaisirivichiean place 3rd, in 800 runabout taking another $3,000! We are so proud of all of the our team members for placing top 7 of all classes!

The last day was a calm but sad and emotional day as our team member departed back home to the USA. A few if us stayed behind for help Rick Sherker arrange the sales of his ski finding a new home in Thailand!

We look forward to next year, better and stronger! Many thanks to Sam of Motor Field and his family for the beyond the call of duty! Words cannot describe the efforts of Eddie for being there to support our team. The team is beyond grateful! We cannot of done it unless we had the support of our local Thai friends Sam & Family and Eddy! And our sponsors Motor Field, Hot products, Blowsion, and TiAL Sport.

2011 Thailand King's Cup Recap by Louis Milone

by Team Mechanic/Race Engineer Louis Milone, also covering teammates Christine Milone, Jeremy Schandelmayer, and Eric Lagoupolis

Well getting this trip organized for 2012 was difficult enough. The logistics involved are painful, and to be honest we all work full time jobs, and everyone is a little stretched for time as usual, but with the help of great people and Ambassadors to the sport like Tony Vo of Jettribe, and Gregg Jones of Tial Sport Turbochargers, we were once again able to pull it all together.

As usual the containers were packed in Lake Havasu, immediately following the 2011 World Finals on Sunday evening, and at that point we say good bye to our precious cargo until we arrive in Bangkok a month or so later. This is always a tense time. We have heart and soul into this equipment and it is a bit of a “leap of faith” to just let it go.

Well let's give a bit of background. We sized back a bit this year, and only sent a single runabout. With the classes available it only made sense to send the Team Mean Racing Turbo Seadoo GTi for open class, as Jeremy, and Christine could both run it, as there are 3 open classes available. We selected Pro Runabout open for Jeremy, and Am Vet (35+) Open for Christine. David Cabrera would race his venerable #51 Hydro Space in the Amatuer Ski Limited class, and Eric Lagoupolis would race his 800 Super Stock in Pro 800 Open. We also Had Rick Sherker with us running his Kawasaki in Pro Ski Open, but I think there is a separate release for him.

To set right the details it is important to mention that Christine had never raced and had rarely even ridden the powerful 450+hp turbo GTi prior to landing in Bangkok, but We assured her that we could turn back the power and make it rideable for her. She made a few rounds in practice and started to feel comfortable, but still timid about the brute power of the machine. Her biggest concern would be the standing starts. So to overcome this fear we spent most of Wed and Thursday evenings practicing real time starts with her, utilizing the full potential of the Antilag launch control system.

After only 2 starts she looked like a natural, but we continued. 10 to 15 later it was like second nature. We encouraged her that even if she came home with only great starts, it would be a tremendous accomplishment in this internationally competitive field of riders. Well she did not let us down. In the first turn of the first moto Christine left a door a bit open and took a hard hit to the left side of the boat, causing major damage, but the team was able to repair it good enough to race the remaining 7 motos unscaved. Christine Milone went 4 for 4 holeshots leading the field in every moto in to the first series of turns. Each moto she got more and more familiar with the boat, and in the end even had some good battles for positions. In a field of 16, Christine came home 11th overall, but more importantly with the title “Holeshot  Queen”!! “it was an honor to race this powerful boat in such a competitive class, and to be honest after holeshots like that my traditional “limited” class power will now seem slow !!” commented Christine after the final moto.

Jeremy Schandelmayer also had some great races, running as high in the pack as 5th, and as low as last in one moto where we had a battery issue, but in a qualifying field of 24, Jeremy qualified his craft 5th and also came home 11th overall. “The conditions are just not as well suited for our lightweight extremely “pointy” Turbo Seadoo GTi, as compared to the newest generation of hulls. Next year we will be back with this powerplant tucked into the latest T3 Seadoo technology hull, and hopefully we can contend for the podium” quoted Schandelmayer following the races..

David Cabrera on his first trip to Thailand for the Kings Cup had some tuning to do, and by mid day Saturday we were ready to do battle. We closed the gap to 4th overall at the close of the day on Saturday, and the race was still up for grabs. Unfortunately a miscommunication, and a late changing pit board, caused David to start his final moto late, extinguishing any hopes for a Kings Cup Podium. “I will be back in 2012, and I will be ready to claim a podium spot. After racing here once, this is my goal for 2012” quoted Cabrera after the races..

Eric Lagoupolis, a past veteran of the kings cup, had a week of ups and downs. A boat that ran to perfection at the World Finals in Lake Havasu, came out of the crate with troubles in Pattaya Beach. After 3 evenings of Test Rider Christine Milone, and Mechainc Louis Milone working out the bugs, we had the boat running at 90% by Saturday, but 90% was just not enough to claim Kings Cup Gold in 2011. Eric came home in 7th place, but vows to return and reclaim a podium spot in 2012.

All in all it was a spectacular time for the team. The race site was spectacular, the hospitality of the Thai people is second to none in the world, and this would be a great time to thank Team Flamingo Thailand for the use of some “Man Power” for moving boats around without our normal 4 Wheelers and Totes to use. We would also Like to Thank Sam and his Family of Motor Field of Bankok for their hospitality, and logistics coordination, without them this would not be possible. Last I want to thank our Sponsors that made this all possible: Jettribe and Tony Vo, Tial Sport Turbochargers and Gregg Jones, RIVA Racing and Dave Bamdas, and last Champion Motorsport and Naveen Maraj.

We are already planning for 2012, hope to see you there.

2011 Thailand King's Cup Recap- by Rick Sherker

What an experience! This was the most logistically challenging event I've ever attended. Thankfully being part of Team USA - Jettribe has its perks! With their help and experience everything had a way of working out. The opportunity for Team USA to attend this prestigious event was made possible by Jettribe, Motor Field, Hot products, Blowsion, and TiAL Sport. Once the team arrived in Thailand, we were taken care of by Jettribe's local connections, Sam and his family of Motor Field, and good friend Eddie. These guys bent over backwards to help us all out -
THANK YOU! In addition, I also would like to thank Riva, Fly, Boyesen, Full Spectrum, and Hydro-Turf for their continued support.

The entire team met up in Bangkok and then made the trip down to Pattaya in a parade of vans. When we arrived we found our skis already unloaded from the container along the side of the
Furama, the host hotel. It was a big relief to find everything in the same condition it left Lake Havasu City, AZ before traveling half way around the world. Thursday evening the night before racing began, the opening ceremonies took place. This was a formal event that set the tone and showed the importance of this event. As part of the ceremony Jettribe introduced its 2012 lineup in a fashion show.

For me, Pro Ski ran Moto 1 & 2 on Saturday and Moto 3 & 4 on Sunday. I spent Thursday and Friday struggling to fix a problem I was having with my ski leaving the line on practice starts.
Unfortunately I was not able to get it figured out before the races on Saturday... My starts reflected it. Moto 1 I came out 7th and and was unable to work my way up. Moto two, I struggled off the line again, coming out 5th on the start, but was able to make a couple of passes in the splits and worked up to a third place finish, moving me up to fifth place in the points going into
Sunday. The rest of Saturday I spent trying to figure out the issue, finally finding one small issue that didn't give me much hope that the problem was solved. However Sunday morning I was in the water first thing, where I was releaved that it was fixed but a little frustrated also that I had not been able to get it fixed sooner. However it was nice to find it there and not after getting home. The boat was running perfect again. Moto 3 I got a great holeshot and was able to pull a comfortable lead the first couple of laps and was able to maintain it to the end. Going into moto 4, I moved up to second in the points. I again grabbed the holeshot on the outside lane, only this time coming out even with Steven Dualiach from the inside lane. It was a drag race down the front straight and side by Side going into next turn. Dualiach dropped back to fifth after going down briefly and I came out with the lead. For a short moment I had the opportunity to get the cup, but Dualiach quickly got back up to third, then around his teammate Omar Al-Rashid, into second. I was able to hold of Dulliachs charge and earn my second moto win, leaving me with a 7-3-1-1 finish in the four respective motos, just 6 points behind the winner, Dualiach who was more consistant with a 3-2-2-2 finish.

In the end, the entire trip was a great experience! From the trip itself, to the culture, to the people I met, and of course the race itself. It was also good to get a chance to hang out with my
fellow Team USA members and the Jettribe gang, getting to know them better. I hope to return for the 2012 World Cup and bring the King's Cup back to the United States next year.

A Year in Recap: Part 5

The 2011 IJSBA World Finals Summary

With months of preparation and lots of last minute hustling, it's hard to believe that the week of the 2011 IJSBA World Finals came and went just le that. And what a week it was. While it was a great event all around, Jettribe was proud to have a fantastic showing. Once considered no man's land for vendors in previous years, Jettribe turned that corner parking lot area into a hot spot for everybody. We put up our biggest booth to date at a 100 feet long (or 1000 square feet if you like big numbers). The introduction of our RS-16 line of race Gear was a big hit and before you knew it, a ton of racers were sporting Jettribe before the week was over. We enjoyed greeting our "regulars" who just loved to come and hang out, check out our gear again and again, and probably kept trying to convince themselves of just how much gear they can get away with taking home.

But that was all on the surface. There was a lot going on behind the scenes. Here are just some of the backroom deals
that Jettribe closed on at the World Finals:

- We signed on an exclusive distributor for France, with non-exclusive distribution rights to Europe
- We welcomed Russia to the ranks of international Jettribe distributors
- We signed a trademark agreement with South Korea
- Jettribe is in talks with China's racing association as well as Yamaha Vietnam to help them build up their professional racing circuit

So yeah, while Jettribe was busy outfitting everyone in race gear and sexy casual wear, we were also doing our part to help grow the sport internationally as well. I think the saying was "think globally, act locally". Ok, so we got it a little backwards.

Once the work was done, Jettribe ended the World Finals cosponsoring the After Party at Heat Nightclub with Monster and Yamaha. All in all, an IJSBA World Finals for the books. Back at HQ, we were getting our showroom ready for distributors to make their final selection of gear to take back and prepping was under way for the 2011 Thailand King's Cup. Jettribe was proud of our racers for managing to pack up and load their boats and gear for the long haul to Thailand after a week of racing in the World Finals.

A Year in Recap: Part 4

Jettribe South Korea
Exclusive distribution in France √
Kicking China Racing up a notch √
Getting Vietnam's racing feet wet √

Jettribe wasn't done globetrotting yet. When South Korea approached Jettribe wanting to license out the Jettribe brand in their country, it wasn't that big of a stretch. Jettribe's staff is all well versed in the art of the trademark, having produced licensed gear for many big names in the surf & skate, and paintball industries. So we understand how to control trademarking in other countries. It was a natural fit. So it was with pride that here at Jettribe, we could go from producing gear for the big trademark names, to finally being the trademark name that others wanted to produce. Welcome to the family, South Korea.

A Year in Recap: Part 3

"World, we're coming for you!" - Vietnam

At Jettribe, we believe that the future of the PWC Industry relies heavily on the sport of PWC racing. While we love our weekend warriors, we want to see the industry grow, and to get the hype going, we've gotta see the sport grow. That's why Jettribe has been and always will be committed to the PWC racing scene.

You already know about what China's doing with Jettribe and their racing circuit. Well in nearby neighboring Vietnam, where the PWC Industry is still in its infancy, Jettribe and Yamaha Vietnam were combining forces to put together a series of special performance events to not only introduce, but to lay down the foundation for the PWC Racing scene in Vietnam. Sure it's still a few years out before PWC Racing gets really established, but the seeds have got to be planted first. Racing talent can come from anywhere, so it's just a matter of time before Vietnam joins the ranks of the internationally fast and elite racers!

A Year in Recap: Part 2

China Racing in Jettribe colors!

At Jettribe, we believe that the future of the PWC Industry relies heavily on the sport of PWC racing. While we love our weekend warriors, we want to see the industry grow, and to get the hype going, we've gotta see the sport grow. That's why Jettribe has been and always will be committed to the PWC racing scene.

Because of that belief, Jettribe had been in talks around the world with countries who are looking to take their PWC Racing Circuit to the next level. That's why China IJSBA turned to Jettribe not only for distribution in China and the outfitting of all their racers, but for advice on how to kick it up a notch. China wanted to grow the racing scene and naturally, they wanted it to be cool. Enter Jettribe! While China already has a racing scene, don't be surprised when it starts blowing up, and expect their riders to be sporting internationally sanctioned Jettribe gear!

A Year in Recap: Part 1

Now that we see that 2012 is here to stay, we here at Jettribe would like to take a few moments to look back fondly upon that last quarter of 2011 before boldly moving forward into the new year.  So stay tuned for some familiar articles and videos!


Parlez-vous Jettribe?

As we summarized previously, the 2011 IJSBA World Finals was a very big event not just because it was IJSBA's 30th Anniversary World Finals, but Jettribe also had a lot going on behind the scenes. One of the big backroom deals we had happen was the culmination of 2 years of courting and negotiating. And after multiple sushi dinners at World Finals, Jettribe was proud to sign on Matos Imports as the exclusive distributor for France, as well as a non-exclusive distributor for all of Europe. This is something that doesn't often happen with Jettribe. Actually, we had never done this before. So it truly was a special occassion and Jettribe was stoked for Matos Imports' commitment to bringing the hottest PWC gear to Europe! Merci beaucoup!