Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jet Effect: A Huge Success

Jet Effect was a huge success and I thank you and your team for being part of our racing family. The event attracted racers from northern and southern California, as well as from Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Utah, Reno, and Alaska!

Amy looked awesome in the JETTRIBE outfit she wore, and I am working on having her become a regular part of our post race activities. In the future I would like to have the JETTRIBE banner displayed in the background where the winners receive their trophys or certificates, and get their photos taken, and have these presentations named after JETTRIBE.

I'll send you a full race report after I catch up on some much needed sleep, but I wanted you to know the "xtreme 550 All Out" racer who won the $640 cash can and your certificate, was Michael Prodanovich of Marysville, California.

Our safety skis looked pretty impressive pulling into the pits with brand new JETTRIBE ski covers, and I don't think I have ever seen a similar product with better craftmanship than yours. They look incredible! I thank you for your support and interest, and we are proud to fly the JETTRIBE name.

Successful Season Sheds Light for a Promising Year at the Worlds for Alec Hohnadell

Look forward to seeing you in Havasu soon. Should be a good World Finals for us. We are back home and Tim Judge is here rebuilding our skis and we have built a buoy course to train for the World Finals.

We showed up to the Anderson SC race and it was a great event just like last year. Nice race site with lots of vendors and really good spectator turn out. I was having some problems with my skis but was able to finish all my races but they were not running their best. I was in the points lead in the UWP Tour Points for Expert Ski Limited and did not want to lose any ground this race. I won one moto but was beaten two motos by returning veteran David Cabrera. I managed a second place overall victory. I also raced Pro-Am Ski stock with 3 mid pack finishes and could only manage an overall 6th. Place Finish. I would later figure out why my skis were not running their usual in Charleston the next weekend.

We decided to stay in Georgia and enjoy some of the fun events while waiting for the Charleston race the following weekend. We went on the zipline over the canopy of the Blue Ridge Mountains and had a blast. We also

went on my first White-Water Rafting trip and that was awesome. Some of the other racers and I went and it was a lot of fun. We pulled up right along the road in front of the race site in Charleston WV. The site really is awesome as
you are downtown and they close off the road for the race. I was still in the Points lead for the Expert Ski Limited class and was determined to try and stay in the lead. I had a good start to the Pro-Am Ski Stock Class by earning a 2nd.
Place in the first moto although my ski was not running it's best. I was brought back afetr the start in Expert Ski Limited and forced to start with a dead engine and my lanyard on my helmet. I was able to catch up and steal several
positions but finished a disappointing 5th. Place in the first moto which assured I would not win a 1st. Place overall. I did finish very well the last two motos which was enough to win a 2nd. Place Overall in Expert Ski Limited. My
ski finally blew it's motor in the Pro-Am Ski Stock race and finished poorly the second moto. I rode a borrowed ski in the third moto but was not comfortable enough to finish above mid pack earning me a 5th. Place Overall Finish.

I had won all but two races in the Expert Ski Limited Class and this was enough to secure my IJSBA UWP Tour Championship 1st. Place Victory. Thanks for all your support Jettribe!

Alec Hohnadell #11

Monday, August 29, 2011

Rick Sherker Recap: Charleston, WV IJSBA Nationals

Rd. 8 – Charleston, WV
The final round of the UWP-IJSBA tour took place this past weekend in Charleston, WV, where for the third straight year they welcomed us in and bent over backwards to make everything perfect. Magic island had a lot going on with the EVP volleyball finals taking place, a live band, rock climbing wall, several food vendors, the jet ski races, and of course the Jettribe trailer selling all the best gear available.

The Weekend had its ups and downs. Saturday was a tough day, getting a 4th place finish in GP Ski, then breaking down a few laps into the first moto of stock class while running in 2nd, ending up 8th. Unfortunately my stock ski was unrepairable for Sunday’s motos, however I was able to borrow a boat for Sunday. On Sunday things went better, I was able to salvage stock class and do just good enough to hold my second place overall for the national tour which was tough with it being a double points round. In Gp ski, I had great starts in both moto 2 and 3, but was not able to get out in front of Chris Macclugage on either of them. I finished second in both motos, giving me second overall for the round and second overall for the national tour.

It was a little sad leaving West Virginia from the final round of the tour, but those feelings quickly disappeared with the thought of the World Finals coming up so quickly. Havasu or bust.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Black Star Motorsports IJSBA Nationals Recap

The UWP-IJSBA crew saved the best round for last. Charleston, WV would play host to the National Championship and final round of the UWP-IJSBA National Tour. Local boys Trey and Cameron Frame of Black Star Motorsports had a lot of pressure to perform infront of the home crowd. The city turned out in droves to check out the action. Cameron was able to win the N/A Spec class, while brother Trey scored enough to maintain the National Title in that class. The other classes would prove to be much tougher on the brothers. They would be plagued by mechanical difficulties in their last motos of Stock and Open. Most heart breaking would be Trey's breakdown while leading the Open class. Although the weekend didn't go as planned, the overall points chase on tour was tight. In the end Trey would win the N/A Spec class and earn a 3rd Overall in Open. Cameron would earn a 2nd overall in N/A Spec and 4th Overall in Pro Stock. Alec Hohnadell would also earn a Championship in Expert Ski Limited and respectable 4th in Pro Ski Stock. Now the season is over, but Havasu is just around the corner. The team is prepairing for a good showing on the biggest stage for jet ski racing and the spec tical that is the World Finals!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend of Ups & Downs for Jettribe Team at IJSBA Nationals

This past weekend the Jettribe Race Team made their way out to one last race before they make the long trek out to Lake Havasu, AZ for the World Finals. he team headed down to Charleston, WV for the final round of the IJSBA National Tour, which is what these riders had been preparing for all season long.

Upon arriving at the site, racers were welcomed with open arms by the whole town. There was a whole main street that was even blocked off right next to the river so that us racers could have a pit area so close to the action. There were also lots of activities going on in the town itself that provided much entertainment after a long day of races. And the racers’ party on Saturday night that was at the host hotel was exactly what all the racers needed to unwind and have a good time.

But the weekend wasn’t all fun and games for the Jettribe Team, who had to endure several ups and downs. Incidents, such as breaking trailer axles on the trip down and boats breaking before or even during races, plagued the team all weekend. But unexpected drama is all part of the racing game and, although it is always frustrating, these seasoned riders expect it to happen at some point and take it in stride. As all racers know, half the excitement of races such as the Nationals and the World Finals is waiting to see what unexpected events might happen that could make or break a championship title.

Now on to the race results! Rick Sherker finished 2nd in Pro-Am Ski GP for the weekend and took home 2nd overall for the entire tour, while also finishing 6th in Pro-Am Ski Stock Spec for the weekend and taking 2nd for the tour. Alec Hohnadell finished 9th in the GP Ski class and took home 8th overall, he also finished 5th in Pro-Am Ski Stock Spec and finished 4th overall for the tour, and he finished 2nd overall in Expert Ski Limited with a 1st place overall tour title. Chelsea Schneider took 3rd in Novice Women’s Ski Limited and finished 2nd overall for the entire tour. Trey Frame finished 6th in Pro-Am Runabout Open with a 3rd overall for the tour and was also crowned the National Champion in Runabout N/A Spec and took 1st overall for the tour. Trey’s brother Cameron finished 8th in Pro-Am Runabout Stock with a 4th overall for the tour and finished 2nd in Runabout N/A Spec with a 2nd overall for the tour. Fellow team rider Derek Correll also made an appearance at the races this past weekend but was too busy selling Jettribe swag to all of the fans, which didn’t leave any time for racing!

The Jettribe Team will be out in full force at the World Finals coming up very quickly and we hope to see you all there! Until then, stay safe and ride hard!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Team Mean/Jettribe Team USA Heading Back to Thailand

This past weekend the racers of Team Mean/Jettribe Team USA had a very successful weekend of racing at the 7th round of the IJSBA National Tour at Lake Hartwell in Anderson, South Carolina. This is definitely one devoted team of racers who live and breathe the sport. That’s why they’re a part of the Jettribe Race Team. Ever since Jettribe started sponsoring racers a few years back we have looked for racers who will not only positively represent our company but the sport of PWC racing as a whole. We don’t always expect our racers to win all the time, but what we do expect is that they put their whole heart into every race and this team of riders is the very definition of what the sport of racing should be.

Team Mean, which is made up of Louis Milone (mechanic/manager) and racers Christine, Laura, and Jessica Milone, Jeremy Schandelmayer, Wilson Tai, and Derek Correll have worked their butts off this season. You can catch them out at the World Finals this October in Lake Havasu City, AZ but the team will also being heading out to the World King’s Cup in Thailand for the second year in a row. We are coming back to Thailand stronger and in force; Louis Milone has been working hard all year to prepare for this. This is one of the very few times that Team Mean/Jettribe will ride in US waters and will fire up their motors in international waters after Havasu. So keep an eye out for these fast riders!

National Guard/Black Star Motorsports Team has Successful Weekend at Lake Hartwell

Round 7 of the UWP-IJSBA National Tour headed to Anderson, SC this past weekend. The setting would be a beautiful State Park on Lake Hartwell. With two rounds to go, the National Guard/Black Star Motorsports team was ready to go. Jettribe’s Derek Correll had a great position just behind the scoring tower and was hustling Jettribe gear to the masses. The racing was fast and furious with Jettribe pro rider Trey Frame pulling off a 2nd overall in the Pro Runabout Open class and his brother Cameron putting in a top finish in Pro Stock and N/A Spec. the team’s ski class racer Alec Hohnadell finished a 2nd in Expert Ski Limited and 1st overall in Junior Ski 13-15. Everyone is gearing up for Charleston, WV next weekend, which is the setting or the UWP-IJSBA National Championship! Points are tight and racing all season has been close. Stay tuned, it’s gonna be a nail biter!

Rick Sherker Recap: Lake Hartwell

anderson, sc

Round 7 of the UWP-IJSBA tour took place this past weekend on Lake Hartwell in Saddlers Creek State park in Anderson, SC.  The pits were scattered throughout a wooded recreation area close to the water.  Other than a few brief and quick moving storms through the area, the weather was beautiful all weekend.  The course layout was a traditional left handed course, but this time the split was located on the right side which changed things up a little.  Luckily for me and a few other well prepared riders, the slippery red clay from the shorelines of Lake Hartwell proved to be little match for the hundreds of grippers on the bottom of my RS-15 Race shoes, giving me plenty of traction in what was without a doubt the toughest test so far this year on the national tour.

For me, racing started at 11:30 on Saturday with moto one of GP Ski.  The first start was red flagged as Chris Macclugage was called for jumping the start.  On the restart, Bill Haig was in front at the first turn buoy, with Rob Flores tucked underneath around the sweeper, with myself on the outside in third.  By the end of the big sweeper coming out onto the front straight, I found myself in first with the holeshot and Flores in second after a mistake by Bill Haig picking up an extra buoy that was supposed to be skipped on the start.  I went on to win the moto followed by Flores in second, Wilson in third, and Chris Macclugage in fourth.

At 1:30 I had moto one of Stock Spec Ski which turned out to be a rough one for me.  Starting out towards the end of the gate really hurt on this course.  I came out fifth on the start and just couldn’t seem to make any progress working up to the front after continuously following a train through the much faster outside split.  Finally, I took the risk and tried the inside only to lose another position where I ended up finishing a frustrating sixth place finish.

Saturday evening, there was a racer’s party in the center of Anderson at Bullfeathers Bar and Restaurant where we once again, all racer’s were welcomed with free food and a couple of free drinks.

For me, Sunday started with moto 2 of Stock Spec ski where I was able to improve slightly with a third place finish behind Rob Flores and Josh Block.  In moto two of Gp, I got a good start from the pole, just edging out Rob Flores at the first turn, but behind Jimmy Wilson who got a great jump out of the gate getting the holeshot.  We finished in that order with Wilson getting his first moto win of the season.  I finished second and Flores third.  Going into moto three I was sitting in first place for the overall, but had little breathing room, only one point in front of Jimmy meaning I had to beat him to get the overall and just three points in front of Rob meaning he could beat me, but I would have to be right behind him.  It turned out to be the mentally longest 15 lap motto for me all season.  This time Chris Macclugage got out first and grabbed the holeshot, Wilson went down at the first turn, Bill Haig came out second, Rob flores third, and I came out in fourth.  From lap one I knew if Rob made a pass on Bill I was going to have to do the same quickly, and from lap one, Rob kept the pressure on Bill.   Also knowing that as things stood, I would take the overall.  So for 15 long laps I watched, making a few runs of my own to make a pass on Flores to distract him from focusing on getting around Bill, but trying not to risk making a mistake of my own.  Luckily for me Bill Haig made no mistakes and things stayed the way they were.  I was able to earn the overall win in GP Ski with a 1,2,4 finish with Rob Flores taking second with a 2,3,3 finish, and Chris Macclugage in third with a 4,5,1 finish.  The third moto of Stock class was another disappointing one for me that kept me out of the top three for the first time this season, finishing fourth overall – but has motivated me to try and make a statement in the final round.

All in all, it was a great weekend of racing, with one of the best racer and spectator turnouts all season.  The pits were full of local venders selling food, and local dealers like Watercrafters and Mountain Motorsports and tour sponsors including Jettribe and Optima Racing selling gear and parts.  I look forward to Rd. 8 this weekend in Charleston, WV for the final round of the UWP-IJSBA National Tour which will be a double points round, making the points race for the national championship very interesting for sure!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Team Mean/Team Jettribe USA Lake Anderson Press Release

The Team arrived early on Friday morning after the grueling 12hour drive from South Florida up to Lake Hartwell, located in Anderson, South Carolina.  It’s always nice to arrive at a race site with enough time to socialize with friends, and get most of our tents and gear unloaded and ready for the races on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday morning started with the normal IJSBA schedule of practices, which provides the team with the information needed to make final tuning and setup changes for the races to come.  Out come the tools and the laptop computers, and Team manager Louis Milone starts after his work..

This weekend Team Mean Racing had a large group.  We had Christine Milone onboard her Seadoo RXPX for Pro Am Runabout Limited, Daughter Laura Milone entered in Both Junior Freestyle, as well as her normal Women Ski Limited Kawasaki SXR, Jessica Milone onboard her bright Pink and Yellow Jettribe Yamaha SuperJet, Wilson Tai racing his Seadoo RXPX in Novice Runabout Limited, Jeremy Schandelmayer onboard his ballistic TiAL Sport, Riva Racing, Turbo Seadoo GTI in Pro Runabout Open, Derek Correll riding his Bright orange Seadoo XPL also in Pro Am Runabout Limited, This weekend we saw the triumphant return of “Iron Man” David Cabrera onboard his Hydrospace running both Stock and Limited Ski classes, We also had Susan Anderson riding her very familiar Seadoo XPL in the new for 2011 Naturally aspirated class.  Of these Team Mean racers, Christine Milone, Jeremy Schandelmayer, and Derek Correll, are part of the “Jettribe Team USA”, and they help to carry the Jettribe brand to newer and higher levels at each race.

To keep this write up interesting, we will keep it short and get to the results…  

First we will start with the Jettribe Team Riders…  

Christine raced hard and after a few great battles came home with a 3rd place points finish in Pro Runabout Limited.  Milone told us “I had a few great moments with Baldwin, George, and Price, and I think we touched rub rails a few times, but this is racing and I’m proud to take a podium spot with these guys”.  Derek Correll also in Pro Am Runabout Limited brought it home in the 5th place position.  Jeremy Schandelmayer created quite a buzz in Pro Runabout Open, but he didn’t do it until the final moto.  In the first moto we had a jet pump failure, which caused me to have to give up several positions in order to save the boat, for the second moto I started from the outside position due to the poor finish in the first moto, but with a decent start was able to work my way up to 3rd, which would give me a good spot to fight from for the final moto on Sunday  said Schandelmayer.  That is exactly what he did… After a great holeshot, Jeremy made the pass around the outside for the lead, and held it for most of the race until a slight bobble resulting in a missed buoy gave Dustin Farthing the opportunity for the pass for the lead while Jeremy picked up the missed buoy.  It was great race and great excitement for a standing room only crowd.  Schandelmayer came home with the overall position of 5th with his combined scores of 8th 3rd and 2nd.

Another story worthy of telling was Junior Freestyle.  In 2010 Jessica Milone, then only 10 years old decided she aspired to become a freestyler.  The promoters embraced her interest, and the kids have been coming out of the woodwork ever since.  This weekend was no exception with no less than 6 Juniors competing for Juniors honors..  Jessica Milone came home with a 3rd place finish on her Pink and Yellow Jettribe adorned Yamaha SuperJet,  Sister and fellow competitor Laura Milone came home with a 5th on just her first attempt at freestyle.  Laura Milone also competing in Novice Women’s Ski Limited came home with a very consistent 2,2,2 for a 2nd place finish behind Shawna Simms.

Wilson Tai kept consistent and chased Jeff Dyckowski for 3 motos bringing home 3 consistent 2nd place finishes, for a 2nd overall score.  The starts were exciting as they were 3 wide into the first turn each moto.

David Cabrera got some attention this weekend as this was the site where 1 year ago to the day he suffered his leg injury which he has been recovering from ever since.  After rigorous training, and a painful recovery David came back to win Expert Ski Limited with a 1,2,1 for a 1st overall finish.  David is an inspiration to the entire team !!

Susan Anderson made a statement with her 1st moto 1st place finish in N/A Spec class, and never looked back easily taking 1st overall honors.

Unfortunately Team Mean Racing, and this branch of Jettribe Team USA will not be able to attend next weeks races in Virginia, but watch for us at the IJSBA World Finals in Lake Havasu City Arizona in October.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jettribe to Appear at 2011 Blowsion Surf Slam

For the past few years the Jettribe crew has made our way out to Oregon at the end of the summer to hit up the annual Blowsion Surf Slam. This is truly an awesome event and there’s a reason why we keep going back! Not only does the Northwest part of the US offer gorgeous scenery (which makes the drive so much more pleasant) but the town and the awesome people who help organize this event every year truly pull out all the stops to make this one of the best events of the season.

This year, the Blowsion Surf Slam will be during the weekend of September 9th-11th in Pacific City, Oregon. This year is an exceptionally exciting year for us at the Surf Slam because Jettribe will be one of the “Cool Bro” sponsors for the event for the second consecutive year. Once again, this event is awesome so if you’re in the area or in the mood for a road trip head on out here because it will be worth the trip!

As an added bonus, Jettribe is offering a free shipping service! What does that mean?! It means that any rider who is going to the Surf Slam and needs their gear hauled from our California office to the site please let us know! At Jettribe, we know that traveling to these events adds up to an expensive bill by the end of the season and we are willing to do whatever it takes to help out one rider at a time!

We hope to see you at the Surf Slam this year! We are so excited to be going back and we are counting down the days until then (24 to be exact)!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

IJSBA National Tour Round 7: Lake Hartwell, Anderson, South Carolina

Pro-Am Ski GP
1.      Rick Sherker
2.      Rob Flores
3.      Chris Macclugage
4.      Jimmy Wilson
5.      Josh Block
6.      Bill Haig
7.      Paul Puchaski
8.      Broc Harris
9.      Justin Laczynski
Pro-Am Runabout Open
1.      Dustin Farthing
2.      Trey Frame
3.      Brian Baldwin
4.      Erminio Iantosca
5.      Jeremy Schandelmayer
6.      Dennis Mack
7.      Scott Wilk
8.      Dustin Charrier
Pro-Am Ski Stock Spec
1.      Rob Flores
2.      Josh Block
3.      Broc Harris
4.      Rick Sherker
5.      Paul Puchaski
6.      Alec Hohnadell
7.      David Cabrera
8.      Cade Poole
9.      Jeremy Geiger
Pro-Am Runabout Limited
1.      Michael George
2.      Brian Baldwin
3.      Christine Milone
4.      Justin Price
5.      Derek Correll

Pro-Am Runabout Stock
1.      Ryan Hardwick
2.      Erminio Iantosca
3.      Dennis Mack
4.      Chris Macclugage
5.      Ricky Lindner
6.      Cameron Frame
7.      Troy Snyder
8.      Robert Greenwald
9.      Stan Hightower
10.  Michael Bellamy
11.  Scott Wilk
12.  Victor Nolan
Pro-Am Women’s Ski Limited
1.      Megan O’Donnell
Women’s Runabout Limited
1.      Casey Moore
Expert Ski Limited
1.      David Cabrera
2.      Alec Hohnadell
3.      Cade Poole
4.      Olga Janssen
5.      Sean Morris
6.      Nick Handler
Expert Runabout Open
1.      Roshad Goff
Pro Freestyle
1.      Jeremy Parr
2.      Michael Ratti
3.      Jeff Bolte
Amateur Freestyle
1.      Johnny Leftly
2.      Alexander Petrovic
3.      Michael Petro
4.      Clay Barbee
5.      Laura Milone
Novice Ski Stock
1.      Sam Burgard
2.      Pat Bolton
3.      Gavin Reed
4.      Lytle Prichard
5.      Brian Smith
6.      Kevin Parks
7.      Cody Mccallum
8.      Wayne Myers
9.      Sam Price
10.  Drew Horn
11.  Joshua Herrin
Novice Ski Limited
1.      Gavin Reed
2.      William Kotara
3.      Shawna Simms
4.      Jordon Carroll
5.      Kris Lemaster
6.      Dusty Mccallum
Novice Women’s Ski Limited
1.      Shawna Simms
2.      Laura Milone
3.      Leslie Horn
4.      Brianna Dyckowski
Novice Runabout Limited
1.      Jeff Dyckowski
2.      Wilson Tai
3.      Alex Weaver
Veteran Ski Open
1.      Kennie Mckennzie
2.      Erin Mcconkey
3.      John Wilkosz
4.      Wayne Myers
5.      Brian Edwards
6.      Jeremy Geiger
7.      Clay Barbee

Veteran Runabout Open
1.      Stan Hightower
2.      Kevin Kennedy
3.      Clay Barbee
Runabout N/A Spec
1.      Susan Anderson
2.      Cameron Frame
3.      Robert Ross
Amateur Ski Open
1.      Erin Mcconkey
2.      Sean Morris
3.      Cody Mccallum
Amateur Runabout Stock
1.      Michael Bellamy
2.      Jeff Dyckowski
3.      Kevin Kennedy
4.      Rick Ross
Junior Ski Lites 10-12
1.      Mason Kotara
2.      Cooper Stevens
3.      Alexia Baldwin
4.      Ashton Yates
Junior Ski Lites 13-15
1.      Alec Hohnadell
2.      Cade Poole
3.      Gavin Reed
4.      Brianna Dyckowski
5.      Zach Herrin
Junior Ski Limited 13-15
1.      Cade Poole
2.      Alec Hohnadell
3.      Gavin Reed
4.      Ty Kotara
5.      Kevin Scott
6.      Brianna Dyckowski
7.      Eric Schulte
8.      Zach Herrin
Beginner Ski Stock
1.      Joshua Herrin
2.      Ashley Huffman
3.      Doug Woodberry
4.      Nancy Hardwick
5.      Nathan Hyde
Beginner Runabout Stock
1.      Tyson Laird
2.      Kyle Johnson
3.      Wasbert Ramos
Sport Spec
1.      Craig Woodberry
2.      David Gorie
3.      Fred Hardwick
4.      Justin Laczynski
5.      Matt Abbott
Junior Sport Spec
1.      Eric Schulte
Junior Freestyle
1.      Brooke O’Donnell
2.      Eric Schulte
3.      Jessica Milone
4.      Brianna Dyckowski
5.      Laura Milone
6.      Kevin Scott
Junior Ski Stock 10-12
1.      Mason Kotara
2.      Ashton Yates

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last Chance to Get Jettribe Gear Before Worlds!

The Jettribe Road Show will be at Round 7 of the UWP-IJSBA National Tour Triple Crown of Watercross for the Lake Hartwell race in Anderson, SC this weekend (August 13-14). Come and check out some of the greatest riding gear known to PWC riders today! Derek Correll will be on hand at the Jettribe booth demo-ing and selling any Jettribe gear that isn’t bolted down.
For those riders and fans who will not be going to the World Finals in Lake Havasu in October, this is your absolute last chance to load up on Jettribe gear at rock bottom World Finals pricing!

Jettribe Represented at DJSA Race

Jettribe had the pleasure of supporting Diablo Jet-Ski Action at their Chowchilla, CA race on July 24th. If you don’t know about Diablo Jet-Ski Action, DJSA started 5 years, 61 race days, and about 6400 laps ago, in the quest to bring a regular circuit of PWC racing to the Bay Area waters of California.
Here’s what one of DJSA’s own racers, Chris Wattier, had to say about Jettribe and DJSA:
“I think Jettribe and DJSA are a perfect fit and after reading Tony’s interview in WetRacer you’d think they were interviewing Jim [Lambert of DJSA]. Like I said before, I’m just a racer with DJSA but that’s how grass roots it is. We help set up and tear down. I made the start line band snap mechanism and racers’ wives sell food concessions to offset costs. What I’m getting to is that I’ve been racing for almost 20 years. In my opinion, DJSA is the future of jet-ski racing as much as I believe Jettribe is the future of jet-ski gear because you both work harder than the longer standing entities that in the past like 10 years haven’t given it much effort. I, personally as a racer would like to thank you for putting forth a positive forecast on the state of jet-ski racing and if I ever get a chance to meet you or Tony I just want to shake your hand and thank you in person.”
Thanks, Chris and Jim. We at Jettribe are happy to support guys like DJSA who truly have their heart and soul into jet-skiing as much as we do. We look forward to a lifelong partnership together.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Jettribe & Black Star Motorsports: The Dream Team

We rolled into the birth place of George Washington mid-day Friday and were greeted by the locals with open arms!  This was a very cool site, and I have to say my team had the perfect pit area right in the middle of it all. Best of all, the Jettribe rig got spotted right beside us. Some people might be a little intimidated by having your team sponsor looking over your shoulder at an event, but Jettribe is not that kind of company.

Tony is one of the most genuine people you'll meet and truly has a love for PWC's and PWC racing. We have been working with Tony and the Jettribe crew for several months now trying to make the products better and better. You won't get that kind of hands on input from any other company in the industry! Nowhere else will you see the main figure of a company travel across the US to be onsite for an event, constantly learning and tweeking product designs. We are proud to represent them! Oh, and by the way, the fashion show was off the chain too!    

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rick Sherker Recap: Colonial Beach

Colonial Beach, VA
I arrived very late Thursday night into Colonial Beach, VA for round 6 of the UWP/IJSBA National tour.  Friday was brutally hot and humid with a heat index of 110 degrees, making it a tough day to get through the routine of unloading, testing, and tuning.  Luckily everything went smoothly.  That evening we strolled over to the High Tides, a restaurant and bar, just a short walk down the boardwalk between the pits and race site only to run into several familiar faces from when I first started racing, it was like a region 8 reunion.
 Saturday, temperatures where hot again, but humidity dropped making it much more comfortable.  The race course had been finalized and set… it was a right handed course that wrapped around a rock jetting coming out of the splits, coming back to shore along the beach, than back out along and around a pier full of spectators where the finish line was located. My first race was GP ski, where I had a terrible start after a good start that was red flagged due to a band malfunction. I was caught with my ski in the air when the band snapped, but managed to make my way up to third going into the splits and coming out second behind Macclugage.  Chris ran smooth without any mistakes, I stayed within a buoy of him, and Jimmy Wilson stayed within a buoy of me for all twelve laps to the finish. In Stock class, Rob Flores pulled another holeshot.  Josh block came out in second and I came out third. I finally got around Josh after he made a mistake coming off the back straight into the splits on about lap 10 of 12.  I finished second.  Saturday evening everyone made it down the street to the Dockside restaurant and Blue Heron pub where Jettribe hosted a fashion and swimsuit contest. It’s nights like those that remind me why I love this sport.
 Sunday started out wi
th another second place finish in stock class coming up just short with a photo finish and Flores taking the win.  Second moto of GP, Jimmy Wilson grabbed the holeshot followed by Macclugage and myself.  Macclugage made the pass on Jimmy in the splits taking the win, and I ended up third behind Jimmy and just in front of Flores.  On the Final moto of GP Macclugage took the holeshot and never looked back.  I finished third again, but this time behind Flores, which gave me a second place overall finish.  On the third and final moto of stock class, my luck changed with exactly what I needed to win…happening!  Alec Hohnadell pulled the holeshot after some rubbing and bumping.  I came out second and Rob came out third.  I was able to finally get by Alec after pressuring him for several laps on the back straight.  Alec managed to hold off Flores the rest of the race giving me the cushion I needed to tie Rob with 5 points after three motos, taking the overall with the last moto counting more.

 So with a first place in Stock and Second place in GP, it was a great weekend for myself and I can’t forget to thank my sponsors Jettribe, Riva, Fly, Full Spectrum, Hydro-turf,, and the support from my parents who were able to make it to this race, for the continued support making everything possible. 
 Sunday evening everyone ended up back over at the Dockside restaurant and Blue Heron Pub for the awards ceremony.  The local community of Colonial Beach and its great location leaves me looking forward to coming back. It was great to see some old faces show up and full lines in sport spec, one of the most entertaining classes to watch.  Anyone interested in checking out some photos from the event from Don Morningstar while anxiously awaiting round 7 of the UWP/IJSBA national taking place on lake Hartwell in Anderson, SC on August 13-14, check out this link: and click on Colonial Beach.