Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Black Star Motorsports IJSBA Nationals Recap

The UWP-IJSBA crew saved the best round for last. Charleston, WV would play host to the National Championship and final round of the UWP-IJSBA National Tour. Local boys Trey and Cameron Frame of Black Star Motorsports had a lot of pressure to perform infront of the home crowd. The city turned out in droves to check out the action. Cameron was able to win the N/A Spec class, while brother Trey scored enough to maintain the National Title in that class. The other classes would prove to be much tougher on the brothers. They would be plagued by mechanical difficulties in their last motos of Stock and Open. Most heart breaking would be Trey's breakdown while leading the Open class. Although the weekend didn't go as planned, the overall points chase on tour was tight. In the end Trey would win the N/A Spec class and earn a 3rd Overall in Open. Cameron would earn a 2nd overall in N/A Spec and 4th Overall in Pro Stock. Alec Hohnadell would also earn a Championship in Expert Ski Limited and respectable 4th in Pro Ski Stock. Now the season is over, but Havasu is just around the corner. The team is prepairing for a good showing on the biggest stage for jet ski racing and the spec tical that is the World Finals!

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