Monday, January 3, 2011

Asia Tour Stops Part 4

China Stop!

China was one of our last stops on our Asai "Tour of Duty". We had two missions on this stop: first was to explore any possibilty of new manufactures . For the last decade we at Jettribe believes in strict quality and trade secrets therefore we produce and design our products inhouse. But as the World is changing quickly and is getting smaller. We have to explore new territories.

Plus, we heard through the grape vines that some Chinese manucfactures are building PWC from the ground up. This we have to see with our own eyes. Yes, it is true they are knocking off an entire ski from the ground up. The tooling cost must be huge. But there must be a big enough demand for this version of a Seadoo GTI?????

The city itselft is big , actually very big and modern. Hotels are nice, service is lacking comparison to western standards. But hey no big deal , we are here to work not to be a tourist. But it was a little anoying to pay about $160.00 for a room and the service is not so good.

Food was interestng in some parts. The name of the game is eat just enough to sustain life .

At the airport , line do not exist . It is everyone for themselves.

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