Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jettribe Welcomes Kylie Ellmers to the Team!!!

Jettribe is very excited to announce the newest addition to our Jettribe family. We are now the very proud sponsor of one of the world’s top international riders: Kylie Ellmers!
Kylie was born in New Zealand and has been one of the best racers in the world for many years. Kylie dabbles in both runabouts and stand-ups, consistently taking home top 5 and top 3 finishes in some of the most challenging races around the world. And, as if racing jet-skis wasn’t already challenging enough, Kylie also holds her own against some of the top male racers.
While over in Thailand for the King’s Cup, Kylie took 4th in Pro Ski Open and an impressive 3rd in Pro-Am Ski Open. We were so delighted to see her always smiling and friendly face while we were in Thailand, and we were so excited for her great finishes.
Congratulations once again Kylie, we’re so happy to have you as part of our team!

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