Monday, January 3, 2011

Charleston, WV Press Release (IJSBA National Tour)

The Jettribe Crew always loves to visit Charleston, West Virginia. Charleston has a small town, warm-fuzzy type of feeling but also has all of the big city accommodations that are needed for tourists and travelers. After the races were over we enjoyed walking through the neighborhoods and through the town, feeling completely safe the whole time.

Not only was the site great, but the weather was fantastic all weekend! Once again, the EDP volleyball tournament was going on and the ladies were very successful in distracting many of our male racers. It was also great to see many of the ladies again for the second year in a row. There are no two better sports to combine at an event like this than volleyball and PWC racing. As tradition, the annual volleyball game of the pro volleyball ladies against some of our watecraft racers provided much entertainment (and the ladies had a landslide victory).
The governor at the races!

Our race team also did a phenomenal job in their races. Eric Lagopoulos finished 3rd in Pro-Am Runabout Open, 3rd in Pro-Am Runabout Stock, and 1st in Pro-Am Runabout 800 SS. Jimmy Wilson finished 2nd in Pro-Am Ski GP. Bill Haig finished 6th in Pro-Am Ski GP. Zack Spring finished 10th in Pro-Am Ski Stock. Josh Block finished 2nd in Amateur Ski Open and 2nd in Novice Ski Stock. Mike Bartolomeo finished 5th in Amateur Ski Open and 1st in Novice Ski Limited. And Kennie McKenzie finished 3rd in Veteran Ski Open. Congratulations to all of our riders, we’re so proud of you!

At this time we would like to thank AJ Handler and his crew for putting on such an amazing event and for letting Jettribe be a part of his National Tour. We would also like to thank the town of Charleston for hosting us again (it was a blast!) and also thanks to Governor Joe Manchin for coming out to the races and sporting some of our Jettribe gear! Thanks to Bill Haig for bringing in such a great team of riders (despite being sick all weekend). And thanks to Kari (part of our Vietnam branch), who flew in to help out at the races!

 It’s been such a great season, thanks to all who made it happen!

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