Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jettribe Team USA Thailand King's Cup Highlights

One of the many faces that the Jettribe Team got to see at the King’s Cup was that of Bill Chapelin from R&D Performance. R&D Performance is an aftermarket performance company and has supplied the best products to many of the best racers in the world. The 2010 King’s Cup Team USA, sponsored by Jettribe, was honored and stoked to have Bill stop by our Team USA pit area in Thailand. We felt like the best and brightest talent had joined our booth.

One of the biggest headaches that we experienced during our time at the races happened the day before the races started. We were absolutely devastated because our SeaDoo RXP head was blown. Thanks to our highly skilled mechanic, Louis Milone and the team we were able to get it running for the races the next day. Many thanks to Nok for driving 600 km from Bangkok to the race site to bring us what we needed. Team USA could never have done it without our local Thai friends!

Another headache that we experienced was on race day Friday morning. Tony Vo, a non-racer, decided to take the SX-R 800 out for a spin, but after carving a few buoys the steering cable snapped. With only 3 hours before the Chelsea’s started we were left without a steering cable, with the nearest jet-ski parts shop 400 miles away! Thank goodness Chris MacClugage bailed us out by giving us his heavy duty steering cable. Within hours Derek and Jeremy got it working and running before Chelsea’s race. Many thanks to Chris and his team for bailing Team USA out. We owe you one!

When Team USA arrived at the race site in Thailand we felt out of place. But when Carson Bachelder, fellow American and staff member at the King’s Cup, walked up to us and welcomed us we felt like we were right at home…even though home was 10,000 miles away!

New Zealand-born Pro jet-ski racer Kylie Ellmers was also one of the faces that we were extremely happy to see in Thailand. Jettribe is proud to have such an amazing racer and person on our team! She is from SeaDoo Centre in Australia and still manages to race. She is one of our biggest racers. Kylie finished 4th overall in Pro Ski Open at the King’s Cup.

We were also honored to have Less Cook as part of the Jettribe team. We were stoked to have Less from SeaDoo Centre in Australia walk up to our pit in Thailand and hang out. His highly respected knowledge is always welcome in our booth! We feel like the brightest people have embraced our team. 

We would like to extend a special thanks to the Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva and his wife, Pimpen Sakuntabhai for taking the time to meet our team at the opening ceremony of the King’s Cup. We would also like to thank them for their sponsorship of the event and great hotel accommodations.

We can’t thank Sam and his family enough for all of the support that they gave us during our stay in Thailand. Thank you so much for adopting us not only by taking us in as part of the family but also for feeding and sheltering us. We couldn’t have made it without you guys! Thank you so much!

It was so cool to have Scott from the IJSBA hang out with Tony Vo from Jettribe. They had some good quality time in Thailand. How funny that even though they are both located in Southern California they have never gotten together to plan future events. It took a 10,000 mile trip to get these two together. Well they seem to have some pretty cool ideas for the betterment of the industry.

It was also cool to see Scott from Hot Products, a company that makes performance parts for racing as well as repair parts and accessories. It seems like all the industry’s greatest talent finally decided to get together. And what better place to do it than in Jettribe’s booth in Thailand?!

The racing team from Thailand also proved to be a big help to us throughout the racing weekend. Jettribe was more than happy with the help from Sam from Motorfield and to Mr. Sataporn from Yacht Technology Co., LTD who made it possible for Team USA to wear Jettribe gear while the team won races.

Jettribe Team USA was also given the opportunity to be the only race team to personally meet Princess Ubolratana Rajakanya and present her with one of our team pit shirts. We were so honored to be given such an amazing opportunity. The Princess was very nice and spoke to our team for several minutes. What a great way to end our trip in Thailand!

Keep an eye out for more updates from Jettribe!

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